Kentauros Yasunaga


Born in the Philippines. Joined Amana Inc. In 2015, worked as a freelancer.Established kKkK inc. In 2020.

Mainly advertising, he also shoots magazines and books. Traffic Advertising Grand Prix,Received the Signboard Excellent Work Award. Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun Advertising Award Information / Electronics Category Award.Nikkei BP Advertising Award Excellent Medical Advertising Award.Mainichi Advertising Design Award Excellence Award. He has received many awards such as the D & AD In Book Award.

 His collection of works includes "Design Product Exhibition Nippon", "Sony Design: Making Modern", "GAJOEN", and "iro".

It has a high-quality texture and a quiet world view.It has been 5 years since I worked at two bases in Higashikawa and Tokyo.A new way of thinking about the world with the technology and sensibility cultivated in the commercial worldAnnounced in own exhibitions and advertisements.Started 8x10 work production to expand the range of new expressions.


フィリピン生まれ。 株式会社アマナ入社。2015年、フリーランスとして活動。2020年、kKkK inc.設立。

広告をメインに雑誌や書籍の撮影も手掛ける。交通広告グランプリ,サインボード優秀作品賞を受賞。日経産業新聞広告賞 情報・エレクトロニクス部門賞。日経BP広告賞優秀医療広告賞。毎日広告デザイン賞 優秀賞。 D&AD In Book賞など、受賞多数。

これまで手掛けた作品集に、『デザイン物産展ニッポン』『Sony Design:Making Modern』『GAJOEN』『iro』など。


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